About me
I have been a secondary Drama and English teacher in Sydney high schools for 42 years, but over the years I have also been involved in many interesting projects. In the earlier part of my life I was particularly active in performing live, but now I spend more time on literary works and song writing.
As a high school student I was fortunate enough to be cast as 'Pip' in the 1973 ABC version of Ethel Turner's classic 'Seven Little Australians' and many other roles in television and radio. Later, as a singing bass player, I formed my own rock band ‘Your System’ and played in others and I performed some of my songs on television.
More recently I have played bass for my daughter, Imogen Clark. She is an excellent writer and performer and far prettier than me. Google her.
On this site is free backing music; stage plays for high schools and amateur societies; lots of songs; links to my ebooks and audio books; screenplays; educational material; radio plays; podcasts and some voice work.
Just click on the categories (above left) and feel free to have a look around. If you go to ‘Videos’ it will take you to lots of Youtube stuff.
If you want to perform any of my plays, contact me on this site. The message will come to my email. I am open to discuss terms.
If you are interested in reading or seeing the covers and blurbs for my novels, please go to ‘Books’.
From YouTube
Every so often I showcase a piece or two of content from my collection of works. For more, click ‘VIDEOS’ above.
You can stream my songs on Spotify etcetera.
Below is a song about the uncanny and disturbing similarities between Trump and Hitler.
This song is for Laika the first animal, in space. If you are a dog lover be warned, it is a sad story.
This is a tune I've been singing around the house for some time now. It drives my wife mad, so I decided to record it. Your kids might like this one, lyrics included. This is for Socks, but we all have the best dog in the world.
I was thinking about the quote: 'A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men' from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The quote is originally attributed to Horace. So I wrote this song.
In 2000 Windsor High School performed one of my plays called: Once Upon a Space Time. Above is 20 minutes of footage that formed a part of the play. We played these scenes intermittently throughout the stage play on a big video screen, which seemed pretty cool at the time. The scenes where my fellow drama teacher, Bryan Cutler and I ham it up, were timed so we that we talked to the actors on the stage and they ‘apparently’ responded to us. My Facebook page has a pic of the cast and the programme.
In the picture above that’s Bryan Cutler, Juz Clark and me at the back with my dear old dad, Frank Clark (OAM) out front.
Go to 11.06 if you want to hear the Space Cannibals performing their 27th Century hit: Cosmic Love.
Clarky’s Closet - A Podcast
‘Clarky’s Closet’ is a podcast where I talk about my songs, how they came about, when they were written and any related stories. There are five or six songs in each show. The first three seasons have ten episodes. You can listen to any episode on the various platforms, or here:
37 podcasts in all, 5 or 6 songs in each podcast with the stories behind them.
This last show has no music. It is simply my recollections as Pip.
50 years ago, when I was 14, I was fortunate enough to be cast in the role of 'Pip' in the 1973, ABC production of Ethel Turner's: '7 Little Australians'.
This podcast is about my memories of that time.
In 2004 there was a reunion for the show. I have included some pictures from that in the Seven Little Australians section. The two black and white shots are one of Anna Hruby and I at the 7 Little A’s after party, and one of me in 1974 filming a show called, ‘Where did all the Magic Go’.
Click below for a variety of songs, background music, radio plays and screenplays.