Mark Clark

Mark Clark is an Aussie songwriter, scriptwriter, voice over, author and drama coach. He was Pip in the ABC's version of Ethel Turner's Seven Little Australians.


Sing Along with History

Sing Along with History is a short album designed to help children learn about history by singing along with catchy music and educational lyrics. It's perfect for teachers looking for ways to teach their students about Ancient Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia and Egypt, as well as the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods.

Due to popular demand, Sing Along with History is available now for download in one of the following formats...

Complete album

Sing Along with History

All six songs in the Sing Along with History series, available for immediate download as mp3 files.

Track list:

  1. Palaeolithic
  2. Neolithic
  3. Mesopotamia
  4. Ancient Egypt
  5. Ancient Greece
  6. Ancient Rome


Also available on:

Complete Album + Teaching Resources

Six songs for students about the ancient world. Includes: complete songs with full musical backing; the same songs with backing only for a singalong; song lyrics; maps; timelines; crosswords; wonder-words and student activities.

Individual Songs + Teachers' Resource

© Copyright 2023 markclark – Lamplight Productions